Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Haroun MBA Degree Program®?
The Haroun MBA Accelerator and the Haroun MBA Executive are self paced online MBA programs that contain 500 hours of videos taught by Chris Haroun to help you take your career to the next level! You can watch the classes on a computer, a tablet or even a cell phone. You won't find a better deal out there as there is a 30-day 100% money back guarantee. Many employers will likely reimburse you for this program if you ask them. You can take this MBA Degree Program at your own pace and finish it in less than one year and you can still work full-time during the MBA Degree Program. You have access to 500 hours of classes forever. Since launching the program last decade, Chris Haroun has spent more than $1,000,000 creating the Haroun Education Ventures MBA Degree Program.
Are there office hours?
Yes. There is a group Zoom Q&A call every weekday for one year! That means in addition to the 500 hours of videos, there is also more than 300 hours of optional group Zoom meetings every weekday! During the calls Chris helps you with ANY business or investing or start-up or personal growth questions that you have, including improving your LinkedIn profile, getting a job, asking for a raise, helping with an interview or a presentation or your business and much more! Details of the weekly call are included in the first lesson of the curriculum.
What if I am unhappy with the MBA program?
There is a 30 day 100% money-back guarantee. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Is the MBA Degree Program accredited?
No. Chris Haroun does not allow any organization to offer an accreditation for this program. The program is based on real life practical experience (and, unlike many MBA schools, the program is not based on theory, as theoretical business education concepts are often difficult to apply in the real world). This course is not accredited by any U.S. or international educational (or governmental) board or agency. Amongst other criteria, an accredited MBA Degree Program requires a governing body to make determinations about its curriculum. Chris believes that traditional university based governing bodies prefer to teach theory, instead of real life practical skills that you can immediately apply to enhance your career.
Can this MBA program help me to get a job or more customers or change careers?
Yes, as long as you apply the principles that are taught in this program. Students in the program have gotten jobs at the Associate (post MBA) level at Goldman Sachs working in investment banking in New York as well as at McKinsey, Google, the Boston Consulting Group, Salesforce, the venture capital sector and many other top companies. One student just raised $11mn for his startup. Many students in the program have also gotten raises and promotions and more customers by applying the concepts taught in the program.
What will I learn in the MBA Degree Program?
There are 5 pillars in the MBA Degree Program as follows 1: Finance and Accounting: The easy-to-apply lessons and the simplicity of the method we use allow anyone that takes the program the ability to go from being financially illiterate to a savvy investor. Here is a sample of the aforementioned pillar (what the program looks like): 2: Entrepreneurship: You are given strategies for writing a business plan, finding your customers, researching your competition, and building the necessary financials to ensure your company's success. Here is a sample of the aforementioned pillar (what the program looks like): 3: Sales, Marketing and Communications: Learn what you need to do to prospect quality leads, execute professional sales meetings and deliver your absolute best presentations using the success tools provided inside this program. Here is a sample of the aforementioned pillar (what the program looks like): 4: Economics, Management and Strategy: Frameworks, case studies, and research systems that give students the practical skills they need to succeed in the future economy. Here is a sample of the aforementioned pillar (what the program looks like): 5: Personal Growth: Develop a crystal clear image of the person and future you truly desire. Understanding what you really want will determine the path you will need to take to get there. Here is a sample of the aforementioned pillar (what the program looks like): Chris Haroun also added a 6th optional pillar, which is Technology, including how to use EVERY feature of Excel, how to program in Python and how to use MANY AI products. Here is a trailer of the Excel elective: Here is a sample of the aforementioned pillar (what the program looks like):
What is the difference between the Haroun Education Ventures MBA Degree Program® and other MBA programs...and what will I learn?
Most MBA programs teach theoretical concepts that are not applicable in the real world. Many of the most crucial business concepts are not taught in MBA schools, including how to network, how to find customers, how to present, how to write business documents, how to become CEO in a large company, how to sell, how to get a job, how to manage your own money, how to start and grow a company, how to use social media to grow your business, how to make videos to sell yourself and your products and what the best practices are of the most successful business people in history. You will learn all of the aforementioned topics and MUCH more in the Haroun Education Ventures MBA Degree Program. The Haroun Education Ventures MBA Degree Program will always remain up to date and will only teach students concepts that are based on Chris’ real life practical experience (Chris has started many companies, he worked at Goldman Sachs, in Venture Capital, at Hedge Funds and in the Consulting sector; he also has an MBA from Columbia University). Upon completion of the Haroun Education Ventures MBA Degree Program, students will be more competitive than MBA graduates of other universities as they will learn all major aspects of business from a practical perspective and not based on theoretical concepts that traditional business schools teach. The Haroun Education Ventures MBA Degree Program will teach all major practical topics taught in the best MBA programs and much more. Plus the Haroun Education Venture MBA Degree Program will be FUN and EDUTAINING!!!!
What do I need to take the classes?
You will need internet access, a laptop or a desktop computer or a tablet or any type of smart-phone. Access to Microsoft Excel is recommended.
How long do I have access to all 500 hours of classes? Do I get access to new content too?
You get access to all 500 hours of classes online forever! You also get new content every year that Chris adds to the MBA program for free. He adds at least 30 hours of new content every year to the program. He will continue to add new content that will ensure that the program is always up to date.
Do I need to quit my job and take the degree full-time ?
Absolutely not. You can take this MBA degree program on your own terms and on any device. You have access to the 500 hours of content and new materials published every year forever.
Is there a lot of homework? Do I have to watch all 500 hours of classes and do I need to take all 100 quizzes?
The only homework is a short multiple-choice quiz after all 100 classes, that should take you less than 10 minutes to complete. Chris Haroun believes that students should learn in class and as a result, there are many exercises that students complete in class. There is a different downloadable workbook that students can download and use in every single class. The workbooks are in 3 different formats, including PDF, Microsoft Word and Google Docs (all 3 formats contain the same contents). You can view and complete the exercises in the workbooks on a desktop or on a laptop or on a tablet or even on your cell phone. There are 100 classes that are 3 hours long on average . As mentioned, each class has a short quiz. In order to receive the MBA degree, you only need to take 50 of the 100 quizzes with a grade over 50%. The curriculum is set up this way because not all students are interested in taking all of the Finance & Accounting, Sales, Marketing & Communication, Entrepreneurship, Economics, Management & Strategy Personal Growth and optional Computer Programming classes. This is your MBA on your terms.
Do I need a university degree to apply?
No. Everyone is welcome to join. If you already have an MBA, you are also welcome to join us. Many students have taken Chris Haroun's MBA degree that have MBA degrees already from top 10 MBA schools (and many say that they learned MUCH more from Chris Haroun's MBA Degree Program than the $100,000 MBA degrees that they already paid for; scroll down to see reviews from current students in the program, many of which already hold MBA degrees from top MBA schools). People from many countries and many different backgrounds have taken this MBA Degree Program; many are doctors, engineers, Yoga instructors, young, older, etc. Everyone is welcome to join and everyone can materially benefit from the program (or your money back - you have 30 days to get 100% of your money back)! No prior business or finance or accounting experience or knowledge is required.
Are there opportunities to network with current students and graduates of the MBA program?
Yes. We use Discord and Zoom extensively to network with current students and graduates of the MBA program; we even have in person events. Please see this link for photos and the video for our in-person graduation event and alumni networking event: Once students enroll, they can access the Discord community. Our current students and alumni are from all over the world. Our network of alumni and students from the MBA program is superb; the sense of community is incredible as our students love to network with each other and help each other achieve their career/business goals during class and outside of class.
What if I already have an MBA?
Many of our students have MBA degrees from the top business schools in the world (including ivy leagues) and they say that they learned more useful and immediately applicable skills from the Haroun MBA in just one month than they did from their previous MBA degree. Plus, the cost of the Haroun MBA is less than a few hours of the cost of their entire MBA degrees. Lastly, there is a 30 day 100% money back guarantee.
Will I get an MBA Degree from Haroun Education Ventures upon completion of the program and how can employers find out that I completed the program?
Yes you will receive an MBA Degree from Haroun Education Ventures upon completion of the program. Employers will be able to contact
[email protected] and verify that students have graduated from the program.
Do I have to be in any particular country or any particular age in order to apply and be part of the MBA Degree Program? Do I need a visa?
No, you can be anywhere in the world with an internet connection. In fact, what makes this program incredibly interesting is that existing students and graduates of the program come from all over the world. The program is completely online and you will be able to complete it from anywhere in the world (no visa is required).
Do I need to take any prerequisites courses prior to starting the MBA Program?
No; there are no prerequisite courses. Even if you have learned about finance and accounting in previous courses, I will teach you all concepts from scratch in an innovative and fun way!
What is the difference between Chris Haroun's course called An Entire MBA in 1 Course and The Haroun Education Ventures MBA Degree Program?
Chris Haroun's course called An Entire MBA in 1 Course is about 8 hours long, versus more than 500 hours of brand-new content in the Haroun Education Ventures MBA Degree Program. Chris Haroun has spent more than $1,000,000 creating the Haroun Education Ventures MBA Degree Program.
What if I have additional questions?
If you have additional questions that are not answered in the FAQ section above, please either 1: email your questions to
[email protected] or 2: ask Chris questions on his weekly YouTube Live calls, which are every Thursday at 8am Pacific Time on his YouTube channel or 3: Please set up a Zoom meeting with Chris and his team to discuss additional questions: