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MBA Elective: Introduction to Finance, Accounting, Modeling and Valuation by Haroun Education Ventures
Introduction to Finance, Accounting, Modeling and Valuation
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1. Section 1: Course Introduction & Who is this Course For? (4:44)
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2. Section 2: Why is the Income Statement Important & How Can It Help You Achieve Your Goals _AND_Income Statement Explanation (6:03)
3. Income Statement Example and Analysis (8:48)
4. Income Statement Analysis Exercise _AND_ Income Statement Analysis Exercise Answers Explanations (4:25)
5. Section 3: Balance Sheet Analysis: Why is the Balance Sheet Important & How Can It Help You Achieve Your Goals _AND_Balance Sheet Explanation (3:20)
6. Balance Sheet Example and Analysis (8:39)
7. Balance Sheet Analysis Exercise _AND_Balance Sheet Analysis Exercise Answer Explanations (3:59)
8. Section 4: Cash Flow Statement Analysis: Why is the Cash Flow Statement Important + How Can It Help You Achieve Your Goals _AND_Cash Flow Statement Explanation (3:39)
9. Cash Flow Statement Example (6:34)
10. Cash Flow Statement Analysis Exercise _AND_Cash Flow Statement Analysis Exercise Answer Explanations (3:03)
11. Financial Statement Analysis Conclusion (How All 3 Statements Are Related) (2:17)
12. Section 5: Financial Modeling Part 1 of 4: Introduction and Best Practices: Why is Financial Modeling Important & How Can It Help You Achieve Your Goals (2:04)
13. Financial Modeling Best Practices (5:13)
14. Section 6: Financial Modeling Part 2 of 4: Where Do I Get Historical Data From? Why is Investor Relations+SEC.Gov Important & How Can It Help Me Build Models (2:01)
15. Introduction to Investor Relations (A Great Model Data Source) (11:01)
16. Introduction to (Another Great Model Data Source) (7:07)
17. Yahoo Finance (Another Great Model Data Source) (5:28)
18. What is the Quarterly Earnings Call and Why Is It Important for Modeling Purposes? (4:35)
19. Section 7: Financial Modeling Part 3 of 4: Case Study Introduction and What You Will Learn in this Section (2:05)
20. Qualitative Analysis of LinkedIn (2:22)
21. What is the Total Addressable Market for LinkedIn and Why is this Important? (6:10)
22. LinkedIn Model Introduction (4:15)
23. LinkedIn Model Discussion in More Detail (Historical Data Only) (17:47)
24. Forecasting the LinkedIn Model (16:34)
25. Section 8: Financial Modeling Part 4 of 4: Financial Modeling Exercises Introduction _AND_ Financial Modeling Exercise (4:45)
26. Financial Modeling Exercise Explanation (10:09)
27. Section 9: Valuation Part 1 of 6: Introduction and Best Practices: Introduction to Valuation and More Detail on Growth Versus Value and PE + PR + DCF Overview _AND_ MENTION OF PDF 25 Valuation and Modeling Best Practices (6:01)
28. Section 10: Valuation Part 2 of 6: Discounted Cash Flow (DCF). What is DCF, Why is it Important and How Does it Work? (6:17)
29. Calculating the Terminal Value (2:42)
30. Calculating the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) (6:23)
31. DCF Example (7:45)
32. DCF Exercise (2:01)
33. DCF Exercise Answer Explanations Part 1 of 2 (19:28)
34. DCF Exercise Answer Explanations Part 2 of 2 (10:31)
35. Section 11: Valuation Part 3 of 6: Price to Revenue: What is Price to Revenue and Why Do We Need to Base a Target Price on this Ratio (2:11)
36. Price to Revenue Example + Price to Revenue Valuation Exercise and Answer (7:18)
37. Section 12: Valuation Part 4 of 6: Price to Earnings & Additional Valuation Methodologies: Introduction to P/E and Why it Matters (2:48)
38. Price to Earnings Example _AND_ THIS IS EXCEL ONLY_Price to Earnings Exercise _AND_ Price to Earnings Exercise Answer Explanations (8:34)
39. Section 13 & 14: Valuation Sections 5 & 6: Final Target Price Calculation & "TAM Sanity Check," and Comparing TAM to the Target Price (3:42)
40. Section 15: Assessing Financials with Formulas: Introduction to Formulas _AND_ Amazing Formulas to Assess Financials (8:08)
41. Exercise on Using Formulas and Answers (10:44)
42. Section 16: Course Conclusion (2:00)
15. Introduction to Investor Relations (A Great Model Data Source)
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